Arrival and Dismissal

Changes to Dismissal

Changes in dismissal must be in writing to the classroom teacher. Please do not call the office or email teachers for same day changes dismissal arrangements. Plan in advance and send a note to the teacher in advance. Calling into the classrooms to announce changes disrupts everyone's instruction and can lead to confusion for the children at the end of the day.

Safety at Arrival and Dismissal

For the safety of all children, please follow these guidelines during drop-off and pick up:

  2. Do not leave children unsupervised at the school before 8:10 am (Grove St. entrance only).
  3. Park your car and walk your children to the front door.
  4. The MPD will ticket cars that are parked on Grove St.
  5. At all times, watch out for other children.
  6. Do not use the school's parking lot for drop off or pick up.
  7. Do not park in the front semi-circle after 2:15; buses arrive and need access.
  8. At all times, follow posted parking signage.

Car Line

There is a car line staffed by teachers and assistants beginning at 8:10 in the front semi-circle. Please pull up to one of the staff members who will help your child out of the car. If you use the car line then you should NOT get out of your car. Use caution as you re-enter the traffic flow on Grove Street-only right hand turns during drop-off. We will make every effort to staff our car line during inclement weather. You may still pull-up to drop off, but staff may not be present in typical locations.


Children who are not eligible for bus transportation should be picked up each day by a parent/guardian or authorized individual each day at 2:35 pm. Be sure to indicate in Genesis emergency contacts and who is authorized to pick up. The classroom teacher bring students outside in the back of the building. Students will NOT be released to anyone who is not on the consent form unless you send in a NOTE to inform the teacher of changes in pick-up including play dates.

Bus Riders

Children who are eligible for transportation through the Board of Education will be dismissed to their assigned bus beginning at 2:35. Students should be picked up on time at the bus stop. In the rare instance that you miss your child at the stop, he/she will be stay on the bus and taken to the next school in the run (they do not return to Northeast). If a student is missed at the bus stop on a regular basis, he/she will be suspended from taking the bus.

Changes in dismissal must be in writing by a parent/guardian. If a note is not received from a parent/guardian indicating the student should not take the bus, the student will be put on the bus at dismissal. Students are not allowed to ride a bus unless they are assigned to the bus-no play date or family switches.

Bus Rules and Consequences

A pupil may be excluded from the bus for disciplinary reasons by the administration and his/her parents shall provide for his/her transportation to and from school during the period of such exclusion.

  • First Offense - The student will be reported to the school administration. A letter will be sent to the student's parents informing them of the problem as well as what procedure will be followed if a second or third offense occurs during the school year.
  • Second Offense - The student will be excluded from the bus for a period of five (5) school days and his/her parents shall provide transportation to and from school during that period. Absence from school during this period will be considered truancy.
  • Third Offense - The student will be excluded from the bus for a period of thirty (30) school days and his/her parents shall provide transportation to and from school during that period. Absence from school during this period will be considered truancy. Any further infractions will be subject to an additional thirty (30) school days suspension of bus privileges. Suspension will be carried from year to year.

Late Pick-Ups

Please be sure to pick up your child on time each day. Montclair Board of Education Policy 5142.1, which states: Provision shall be made to take care of "officially escorted" students through the police and/or Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P) if the designated individual does not arrive at dismissal time on a regular basis. Parents/guardians failing to arrive at school or to have an authorized person arrive at school in a timely manner to "officially escort" their child/children will be reported to the proper authorities and parents/guardians who fail to arrange prompt dismissal pick up on an ongoing basis may be required to meet with the principal to develop alternate arrangements for dismissal time. Further district or legal action may be taken if the alternate arrangements are unsuccessful.

If an emergency arises which causes you to be late to pick up your child, the classroom teacher will bring the student back into the school. Please be sure to call the school immediately to let us know what arrangements are being made to pick up your child.

YMCA Before & After School Care Program

Before school care for students may be available at Northeast School beginning at 7:00 am (in the past we have not hosted before care due to low enrollment) and after school care is available at Northeast from 2:35 to 6:30 pm. Both are offered at a nominal fee. Parents must provide transportation to and from school. Information about the YMCA- sponsored Expanded Day Program is available in the Northeast Office or by contacting the YMCA directly at 973-744-3400.


It is the policy of the Montclair Public School district that all visitors must first report to the office before going anywhere in the building. If a parent comes to drop something off (lunches, homework, instruments, etc.) for their child, it should be left in the office and the child will be notified.

Doors are locked throughout the school day, and all visitors must ring the front doorbell to gain access. All visitors must adhere to the following rules for the safety of the children.

  1. A secretary will greet you over the intercom when you ring the bell. Please look into the camera and state your name, your child's name and your intended purpose in the building.
  2. Report to the office before going anywhere else in the building.
  3. Sign in at the front office.
  4. Wear a visitor's badge for the duration of your visit.
  5. Sign out before leaving the building.
  6. Please DO NOT let anyone in the building. This includes holding the door for someone, whether you are entering or leaving. Again, all visitors must be let in by the main office staff.
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