Welcome to the Northeast School Health Office. Please read the important information below and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I can always be reached by phone or email.
Medical information can also be faxed to the health office’s private fax number.
Office: 973-509-4241
Fax: 973-509-0811
If your child will be absent, please call the main office (973) 509-4242 and leave a message on the attendance line. Include the reason for the absence and the estimated time they will be out of school.
Illness & Injuries
If your child is experiencing any change in their medical status or has been newly diagnosed with asthma, food allergy or any other acute or chronic condition, please alert the school nurse.
Injuries such as fractures, stitches etc. must also be reported so that accommodations can be made if necessary.
Medications may not be given in school without written permission from the student’s doctor and parents/guardians. This applies to both prescription and over the counter medicine. Diagnosis of asthma, food allergy and epilepsy require an action plan.
Physical Exams/Immunization
Physical Exams are required of all students entering kindergarten or transferring to Northeast School from another school district, state, and/or country. Physicals are also recommended for students entering 6th grade.
NOTE: All forms such as medication and physical exam forms can be downloaded from the
District School Nurse's Page, by clicking on the
Forms link at the side of the district page.
All students are screened annually for height, weight, and blood pressure.
New Jersey State Guidelines are followed for vision, hearing and scoliosis screening. Parent/guardians will be notified if follow-up is recommended.
Head lice are usually not difficult to eliminate when early identification is made. The
Montclair School Nurses want to assure you that most families can successfully eliminate head lice by using simple, scientifically approved methods.
Lice FAQ.
NJ Family Care Health Insurance—Insurance program for uninsured NJ families. Information can be obtained by calling: 1-800-701-0710 or visit the website.
Food Allergy and Asthma Network—For information on food allergies and asthma.
www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/index.htm For information on a wide variety of common childhood illness and current recommended treatment and prevention.
Further information on other health related topics can be found on the
District School Nurse's Page.